Zusätzliche Module aus der OpenCms Community

Diese Seite zeigt zusätzliche Module, die von verschiedenen Mitgliedern der OpenCms-Community entwickelt wurden. Nähere Informationen über den Autor eines Moduls entnehmen Sie bitte der Beschreibung zum einzelnen Modul.

Wenn ein Modul im Rahmen eines Projekts entwickelt wird, erfolgt der Aufbau in der Regel so, dass es genau das leistet, was für das Projekt erforderlich ist. Das bedeutet normalerweise, dass es noch einige "Ecken und Kanten" aufweist – ein Teil der Informationen, die konfigurierbar sein sollten, ist hartcodiert, und die Dokumentation ist ein wenig lückenhaft. Das Modul kann dennoch für andere nützlich sein, die seine Funktionen vielleicht verbessern oder erweitern können.

Wenn Sie ein OpenCms-Modul entwickelt haben, so stellen Sie es der OpenCms-Community bitte zur Verfügung, indem Sie das Formular zum hinzufügen eines Moduls verwenden.

Zusätzliche Module aus der OpenCms Commnuity zum Herunterladen:

Alkacon OpenCms Add-On Module Package (OAMP)

The Alkacon OpenCms Add-On Module Package (also called OAMP) is a set of free, open source extension modules for OpenCms. Alkacon OAMP adds front-end related features to OpenCms that may be useful in case special functionalities are required. ...

Version 1.0.0 - 1. Oktober 2009  Weitere Informationen...

OpenCms-Maven plugin

OpenCms-Maven is an open source project that has been launched by the comundus GmbH to ease the build and versioning process of OpenCms projects. ...

Version 11.0.2 - 4. Februar 2021  Weitere Informationen...

OpenCms Plugin for Maven

This plugin creates OpenCms module files. It defines a custom packaging type and creates an additional Jar artifact containing the module classes for inclusion in other modules. The Maven OpenCms Plugin assembles and packages OpenCms modules. ...

Version 1.0 - 18. November 2014  Weitere Informationen...

OpenCms Plugin for IntelliJ

The OpenCms plugin for IntelliJ provides tools needed for OpenCms module development and deployment. It started out as a mere syncing tool (actually the plugin originally was a sync tool for Fatwire ContentServer, now Oracle WebCenter Sites) and ...

Version 1.0 - 18. November 2014  Weitere Informationen...

Multimodule importer

With Multimodule importer we can import more of one module in same time. It is a confortable solution to install a new OpenCms with a lot of modules.

Version 1.0 - 7. November 2014  Weitere Informationen...

Coimbra Host Auditing Tool for OpenCms 7.x and 8.x

Audit module created by Coimbra Host, this module displays events in the use of OpenCms users. For the moment it is only possible to view the files that are being published and which user posted and that date; Also it is possible to see which ...

Version 0.5 - 19. Juni 2013  Weitere Informationen...

OpenCms HighPerf module

The OpenCms HighPerf module (7.x.x compatible) was developed to provide the best of both worlds – highly dynamic content and high-performance. ...

Version 0.117 - 24. Februar 2012  Weitere Informationen...

Synyx NetbeansOpenCmsUpload Module

The NetbeansOpenCmsUpload module offers the functionality to upload files from your local filesystem to the OpenCms VFS using Netbeans. Using this module you can work more efficiently with Netbeans and OpenCms. ...

Version 1.0.7 - 24. Februar 2012  Weitere Informationen...

OpenCms Module Developer

OpenCms Module Developer is a productivity tool that is provided as an Eclipse plug-in which aids the development of OpenCms modules. OpenCms does not provide a development environment to develop new modules. ...

Version 0.0.7 - 24. Februar 2012  Weitere Informationen...

Cloudwords for OpenCMS - Translation Made Easy

Cloudwords helps OpenCMS customers reach a global audience by taking control of their translation process. Our goal: make it easier than ever before to translate your content, decrease time-to-market, reduce costs, and improve translation ...

Version 1,1 - 25. Oktober 2011  Weitere Informationen...

OpenCms Shibboleth authentication module

Plugin for OpenCms application, that verifies identity of users using Federated identity -> Shibboleth system. It enables to authenticate users via theirs home organization. More information about how Shibboleth works can be found on http://www. ...

Version 0.1 - 30. Juni 2010  Weitere Informationen...

openTrends siblings generator module

This OpenCms module allows the automatic siblings creation (form a folder-based configuration), easing the new multilingual resource creation task. ...

Version 1.0 - 21. April 2010  Weitere Informationen...

KonaKart Shopping Cart

The purpose of this module is to demonstrate how the eCommerce / shopping cart functionality of KonaKart can be integrated into an OpenCms application. ...

Version 41.00.0. - 8. September 2009  Weitere Informationen...

Workflow module

Open Source Workflow module based on the OSWorkflow engine.

Version 1.0.0 - 5. Mai 2009  Weitere Informationen...

Before and After Photo Gallery

This is a photo gallery used to display pairs of before and after pictures for side-by-side comparison. It includes paging, configurable image and page sizes, and filtering of images by category. ...

Version 0.8 - 30. April 2009  Weitere Informationen...

JavaScript and CSS minification

This is an implementation of a new tag for the OpenCms taglib that can automatically condense JavaScript and CSS code. ...

Version 1.0 - 14. Februar 2009  Weitere Informationen...

Rule Based On Demand Static Export

This module allows you to setup rules to check for additional resources that need deleting from the file system during On Demand static export. An admin tool is provided removing the need to restart the system when new rules are added. ...

Version 1.1 - 23. Oktober 2008  Weitere Informationen...

Tecnoteca GoogleMap Module

With the OpenCms GoogleMap module it is possible to create interactive map objects with categories, markers, paths (polylines) and areas (polygons). ...

Version 1.0 - 4. Juli 2008  Weitere Informationen...

OpenCms 7 Scripting Language Integrations

Allows the integration of other scripting languages than JSP into OpenCms. Currently PHP and Groovy are supported. For more information have a look at the project website at Sourceforge.

Version 0.1.0 - 30. Juni 2008  Weitere Informationen...

OpenCms JPA Module

This module allows integration of the Java Persistence API (JPA) into your modules. It contains: A simple class to manage EntityManagerFactory instances. OpenJPA v. 1.1.0. README file. persistence. ...

Version 1.1 - 20. Juni 2008  Weitere Informationen...

ManifestBuilder Ant Task

This Ant task creates the manifest.xml file used to build an OpenCms module. The main objective is to facilitate team cooperation by integrating module generation into the day to day development environment.

Version 1.0.3 - 2. Mai 2008  Weitere Informationen...

Qbizm OpenCms logging levels configuration module

This module allows changing of logging levels for distinct OpenCms loggers on runtime, without need to restart OpenCms. This is very usefull mainly in production environments, when you need to detect a problem. ...

Version - 2. Mai 2008  Weitere Informationen...

KB Suite

The Danish Royal Library KB Suite is a set of free, open source extension modules for OpenCms. The KB Suite adds front- and back-end related features to OpenCms that have been developed for building the Danish Royal Librarys web site and may be ...

Version varies - 29. April 2008  Weitere Informationen...

XStandard WYSIWYG Module

This is the initial release of an XStandard WYSIWYG Module for OpenCms 7+. You can use the XStandard editor as a replacement of the FCKEditor that comes with OpenCms in case the XHTML produced by FCKeditor does not meet your requirements. ...

Version 0.6 - 16. April 2008  Weitere Informationen...

Page Definition Module

The Page Definition Module for OpenCms extends the core functionality of OpenCms by a page definition layer. This permits to create, edit, delete and position heterogeneous content elements freely from within the page preview. ...

Version 1.0.10 - 29. Januar 2008  Weitere Informationen...

Greetingcard Module

Greetingcard module developed by SYNYX in co-operation with WAZ-Mediengruppe. Feature list of the module: Greetingcards can be designed using images uploaded to OpenCms. Greetingcards can be categorized. ...

Version 0.30 - 17. August 2007  Weitere Informationen...

The Opensource Ubuntu Templates Project

Nico Michael who submitted the St Nicholas (of Japan) Template now submits a whole opensource project with a framework that produces some rather sophisticated webpages. We have implemented the MVC Framework. ...

Version 0.25 - 22. Oktober 2006  Weitere Informationen...

OpenCms OSWorkflow module

An OpenCms module to integrate Osworkflow 2.8.0 and OpenCms 6.0.3. It's in GNU LGPL license. You can download the source code from here.

7. April 2006  Weitere Informationen...

RSS Module

This module adds RSS syndication capabilities to OpenCms. The module includes: RSS content type (support for RSS 1.0, 2.0 and Atom 1.0) RSS template element (support for RSS 1.0, 2.0 and Atom 1.0) Generation of RSS 1. ...

Version 0.3 - 2. März 2006  Weitere Informationen...

St Nicholas Template

My intention with this template was to make a simple template that delivers a complete and sophisticated web page with a button navigator and lower breadcrumb. ...

Version 0.4 - 26. August 2005  Weitere Informationen...

Article Management Module (for OpenCms 5 and NEW OpenCms 6)

You want a certain set of articles or galleries displayed on a page as overview? Each article or gallery should have something like a "Read more..." link which brings up the full article? ...

Version 1.0 (OC5), 0.9 (OC6) - 1. Februar 2005  Weitere Informationen...

OpenCms Mobile

OpenCms Mobile is an usable DEMO application for mobile devices running Android. Application is designed to display data from a content management system OpenCms. ...

Version 1.0 - 23. Mai 2013  Weitere Informationen...

Synyx Solr Module

This module enables OpenCms to store its search index information in Solr. Solr introduces some nice ready made features like Facetting, More-Like-This-queries and autocompletion. Index and search behaviour configuration is done using XML files. ...

Version 0.9.10 - 24. Februar 2012  Weitere Informationen...

OpenCms ANT Build

OpenCms ANT Build allows to build OpenCms modules from a build tree (e.g. in your IDE) which then may be installed on your OpenCms server. It contains 2 ANT task for scripting custom build processes. A sample tree with build.xml is included. ...

Version 1.0.3 - 24. Februar 2012  Weitere Informationen...

NorthPoint Solutions FileSystem Module

First public release of NorthPoint Solutions FileSytem Module NorthPoint Solutions has developed a FileSystem Module to decrease the amount of overhead associated with storing binary assets in the virtual file system (VFS). ...

Version 1.0 - 5. Mai 2011  Weitere Informationen...


Technology for Solutions has developed a three steps Workflow for OpenCms v7.x. Easy to use and deploy, this module aims to solve the content authoring, approval and publication process. TFSLA Basic Workflow is a commercial module currently FREE. ...

Version 0.6 - 15. April 2010  Weitere Informationen...

OpenTrends look and feel

openTrends releases the OpenCms - Look&Feel module that improves the look and feel of the OpenCms file context menu easing its management and empowering the user experience. more info at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opentrends-ocms/

Version 1.0 - 3. März 2010  Weitere Informationen...

OpenCms-Maven Plugin

OpenCms-Maven is an open source project that has been launched by the comundus GmbH to ease the build and versioning process of OpenCms projects. ...

Version 7.5 - 2. September 2009  Weitere Informationen...

Download von OpenCms

  • OpenCms 17 bietet Redakteuren die neue App "Datumssuche", um Inhalte zu finden, die in einem bestimmten Zeitraum geändert wurden. Die App "Websites" ermöglicht den einfachen Export des Inhalts einer kompletten Website zur Archivierung. Es wurde eine Option zum Ausblenden von "sensiblen" Inhalten im Offline-Projekt hinzugefügt. Das Standard Mercury Template wurde weiter verbessert, z.B. mit SEO-optimierten Stellenausschreibungen, einer "Spacer"-Funktion und Marker-Clustern für Karten. OpenCms 17 wurde auch mit Java 17 LTS und 21 LTS getestet und zertifiziert.

    Zum Download hier klicken

Update von OpenCms

  • Aktualisieren Sie Ihre OpenCms Installation auf die aktuelle stabile Version 17 mit dem einfach zu benutzenden Upgrade-Wizard.

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Aktuelle News

  • Ausführliche Dokumentation für das Mercury Template

    08.07.2024 - Das Mercury Template von Alkacon Software ist ein umfangreiches, modulares Template basierend auf Bootstrap 5 für OpenCms. Für dieses umfangreiche Template ist nun eine vollständige Dokumentation online verfügbar.

  • OpenCms 17 verfügbar

    09.04.2024 - OpenCms 17 bietet Redakteuren die neue App "Datumssuche", um Inhalte zu finden, die in einem bestimmten Zeitraum geändert wurden. Die App "Websites" ermöglicht den einfachen Export des Inhalts einer kompletten Website zur Archivierung. Es wurde eine Option zum Ausblenden von "sensiblen" Inhalten im Offline-Projekt hinzugefügt. Das Standard Mercury Template wurde weiter verbessert, z.B. mit SEO-optimierten Stellenausschreibungen, einer "Spacer"-Funktion und Marker-Clustern für Karten. OpenCms 17 wurde auch mit Java 17 LTS und 21 LTS getestet und zertifiziert.

  • Alkacon OCEE 17

    09.04.2024 - Alkacon OCEE 17 ist die aktuelle OCEE Version für OpenCms 17. Diese Version verbessert das Cluster Shutdown Verhalten bei Nutzung der CmsShell.

  • OpenCms Docker Image

    09.04.2024 - Testen Sie OpenCms mit dem offiziellen Image aus dem Docker Hub - der einfachste Weg um OpenCms schnell und unkompliziert zu testen.

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