OpenCms 13.0 Distribution

New in OpenCms 13

  • Plugins: Introduced a plugin system for formatters and dynamic functions as a more flexible replacement of the "headincludes" feature.
  • Plugins: Added "Site plugins" that can be automatically activated for all pages that share a site configuration.
  • Geo Search: Introduced a Geo search feature in order to retrieve XML contents by geo coordinates.
  • Geo Search: Added Geo mapping syntax for XML content schemas, even if coordinates are stored in linked contents.
  • Security: Updated Log4j to the latest version to solve the Log4j security vulnerability.
  • Workplace: Improved the image upload so that pictures taken with a mobile device are rotated correctly.
  • Workplace: Improved the "Image preview" dialog to better display SVG images.
  • Workplace: Improved the "Page editor" and the "Form editor" to better work with touch devices.
  • Template Variants: Element setting overrides allow to change formatter settings by master configuration.
  • Template Variants: Shared settings and overrides can be defined for specific formatters only.
  • Template Variants: Container pages now support an alias option for formatter keys.
  • Template Variants: Container pages now support a fallback mechanism for formatter keys.
  • Page editor: Improved the layout of the "Element settings" dialog.

Who should use this OpenCms 13 distribution download?

Use this download to install the new version 13 of OpenCms from scratch. OpenCms 13 is backward compatible with all 12.0, 11.0, 10.5 and 10.0 versions. Templates and other OpenCms developed code from these versions should work mostly "out of the box" with version 13.

If you want to upgrade an existing OpenCms 12.0.0, 11.0.x, 10.5.x, or 10.0.x version, please use the OpenCms 13.0 upgrade Wizard download also available from this website.

Please note: The *.jar files in this binary distribution have been compiled for Java 8.

Modul Version: 13.0
Zur Verfügung gestellt von: Alkacon Software GmbH
Lizenz: GNU Lesser General Public License
Zum Downloaden hier Klicken (232175 kb)

Download von OpenCms

  • OpenCms 17 bietet Redakteuren die neue App "Datumssuche", um Inhalte zu finden, die in einem bestimmten Zeitraum geändert wurden. Die App "Websites" ermöglicht den einfachen Export des Inhalts einer kompletten Website zur Archivierung. Es wurde eine Option zum Ausblenden von "sensiblen" Inhalten im Offline-Projekt hinzugefügt. Das Standard Mercury Template wurde weiter verbessert, z.B. mit SEO-optimierten Stellenausschreibungen, einer "Spacer"-Funktion und Marker-Clustern für Karten. OpenCms 17 wurde auch mit Java 17 LTS und 21 LTS getestet und zertifiziert.

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  • Aktualisieren Sie Ihre OpenCms Installation auf die aktuelle stabile Version 17 mit dem einfach zu benutzenden Upgrade-Wizard.

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