OpenCms 7 RC 1 Preview Distribution

The OpenCms 7 RC 1 binary distribution (for Java 1.5). Please note that this is a release candidate and not the final version of OpenCms 7. The internal version number of this release is 6.9.1.

OpenCms 7 RC 1 is the fist preview of OpenCms 7 available for public download. The source code for this release is available in the public CVS.

New features in OpenCms version 7:

  • The link management has been greatly improved with the new "Content Relationship Engine" (CRE)
  • Native support for WebDAV access to the OpenCms VFS
  • Publishing of resources is now done using a queue, so a user can continue to work after publishing has started
  • The concept of "Organization Units" (OUs) has been added to the internal user management
  • System permissions are now based on a complete new set of "Roles"
  • Many usability improvements for the OpenCms Workplace have been made
  • JSP 2.0 and Servlet 2.4 are now used by default
  • ... and much more

Who should use this OpenCms 7 RC 1 distribution download?

It is recommended for heavy OpenCms users, developers and contributors to install and try out this release candidate version, in order to prepare for the upcoming OpenCms 7 final release.

Users looking for a stable installation should use the latest 6.2.x version now and upgrade to OpenCms 7 when the final release is available. Please note that there will be no update wizard provided for any release candidate (RC) version to the final release of OpenCms 7.

Please note: The *.jar files in this binary distribution have been compiled for Java 1.5. If you are using Java 1.4, you also need to download the OpenCms 7 RC 1 Java 1.4 compatibility package.

Modul Version: 7 RC 1 (6.9.1)
Zur Verfügung gestellt von: Alkacon Software GmbH
Lizenz: GNU Lesser General Public License
Zum Downloaden hier Klicken (27664 kb)

Download von OpenCms

  • OpenCms 17 bietet Redakteuren die neue App "Datumssuche", um Inhalte zu finden, die in einem bestimmten Zeitraum geändert wurden. Die App "Websites" ermöglicht den einfachen Export des Inhalts einer kompletten Website zur Archivierung. Es wurde eine Option zum Ausblenden von "sensiblen" Inhalten im Offline-Projekt hinzugefügt. Das Standard Mercury Template wurde weiter verbessert, z.B. mit SEO-optimierten Stellenausschreibungen, einer "Spacer"-Funktion und Marker-Clustern für Karten. OpenCms 17 wurde auch mit Java 17 LTS und 21 LTS getestet und zertifiziert.

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Update von OpenCms

  • Aktualisieren Sie Ihre OpenCms Installation auf die aktuelle stabile Version 17 mit dem einfach zu benutzenden Upgrade-Wizard.

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