OpenCms 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 Upgrade

The OpenCms 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 update, including updated Java libraries for existing OpenCms 6.0.2 installations.

Please have a look at the readme.txt file in the downloaded zip archive for details about the upgrade process.

OpenCms 6.0.3 is a maintenance upgrade for OpenCms 6.0.2 with the following issues fixed compared to the 6.0.2 version:

  • Fixed issue with frozen state in CmsProperty when calling #deleteResourceValue()
  • Improved error handling in XML page loader for locale selection process
  • Added fix for error handler in localized Xerces versions
  • Fixed issue #982: If tomcat path has spaces, the log file is not set
  • Fixed potential security issues in login dialog with username not being escaped
  • Fixed issue #985: CmsShell parameter constants mismatch

The source code for this release is available in the public CVS, please refer to the Development section on how to obtain it.

Who should use this 6.0.3 upgrade download?

Use this download to upgrade an existing OpenCms 6.0.2 installation. For a new, fresh installation of OpenCms 6.0.3, use the full distribution version.

Modul Version: 6.0.3
Zur Verfügung gestellt von: Alkacon Software
Lizenz: GNU Lesser General Public License
Zum Downloaden hier Klicken (1891 kb)

Download von OpenCms

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