Hinweis: Wir empfehlen Kunden, die einen OpenCms Lösungsanbieter suchen, die Zusammenarbeit mit einem der Alkacon OpenCms Partner. Diese haben Erfahrung aus eine Reihe von erfolgreichen OpenCms Projekten und wenden bewährte Vorgehensweisen bei der Implementierung von OpenCms an.

OpenCms Lösungsanbieter in

Afrika und Mittlerer Osten

Einträge: 3

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Helios Design

Helios Design

We are a dedicated team of designers, developers and strategic thinkers who are passionate about bringing clients’ ideas to life. Since our founding in 2005, our mission has been to do exceptional work, build great relationships, collaborate with great minds, and keep learning.

Our specialty lies in CMS website development, web app development and app development. We are based in Johannesburg (South Africa) and Berlin (Germany) but serve clients all over the globe.

Webseite: https://www.heliosdesign.com/
Land: South Africa

Asman Peydayesh

Asman Peydayesh

Asman Peydayesh is a software consulting company. We provide web and enterprise content management solutions while at the same time provide consulting services all through software development life cycle  and strategic management steps of IT projects & plans .

We are highly specialized in offering reliable and cost effective content management solutions based on open source software and open standards. We structure ECM & WCM solutions that improve your organization's productivity and improves your web presence. To reach this goal, our company develops and integrates different solutions that offer the maximum quality and flexibility by using open and standard technologies.

Open source solutions such as OpenCms, Mediawiki, Alferesco, Liferay and Konakart are some of the key content management solutions upon which we build our solutions.

Webseite: http://www.asmanpeydayesh.com
Land: Iran

RealCommerce Ltd.

RealCommerce Ltd.

RealCommerce specializes in medium and large scale content Management solutions and has successfully implemented the OpenCms platform in large commercial corporations. All of our implementations follow strict development standards and security along with scalability and high availability for mission-critical projects.

Webseite: http://www.realcommerce.co.il
Land: Israel

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