The OpenCms Contributor License Agreement (CLA)

In case you consider contributing to the OpenCms core development, please download and read the OpenCms Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

The intention of the CLA is to clarify the legal status of your contribution(s). Basically, it says that you grant Alkacon Software GmbH full rights to use your contribution in the OpenCms distribution, without giving any warranties that it actually works.

Click here to download the OpenCms CLA (PDF, 70 kb).

Please note that the OpenCms CLA is almost identical to the "Corporate Contributor License Agreement" used by the Apache Software Foundation (see This means the terms of the CLA are in general widly accepted in the Open Source community, and a fair amount of lawyer energy has been put into it to make it as secure are possible for all sides.

In order to include your contribution in the OpenCms core distribution, we need a signed copy of the CLA from you. Please sign the CLA and fax it to:

Alkacon Software GmbH
Fax: +49 2236 3826-20

We regret that such legal stuff is required, however we believe it is better for all OpenCms users if legal issues are sorted out right from the beginning.

Should you have any questions regarding the CLA, please contact us.

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