Do you speak ... ? - Integration of other scripting languages than JSP

Date: May 6, 2008
Time: 13:15 - 14:00
Track: Technical
Type: Presentation
Speaker: Sebastian Himberger (agil - mehr Internet KG)


This talk will describe how the current JSP integration works in general and explain a way to embed other scripting languages to produce dynamic content or perform other actions inside OpenCms. Since the JVM moves more into the direction of a multi-language VM (JRuby, Jython and Groovy beeing the current examples) supporting multiple languages and beeing able to leverage knowlegde and code from other languages is generally a good thing.

The session will take you on a tour through the inner workings of OpenCms, touch many core concepts and tries to explain how JSP, the Flex Cache and general request handling interrelates. It then uses this knowledge to demonstrate a concept plus a pratical implementation of scripting language integration which you can take "as is" or use to integrate your own or other scripting/dynamic languages.

If you have knowledge in building java web applications, created some OpenCms websites, ever wondered how the JSP/Flex stuff really works and/or like (or are forced to use) dynamic languages this talk should be interesting for you.

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