The Interactive Knowledge Stack (IKS) Project and OpenCms

Track: Technical
Speaker: Andreas Gruber (Salzburg Research)


IKS is an integrated research project whose target are the hundreds of SMEs in Europe providing technology platforms for content and knowledge management to thousands of end user organisations. Alkacon Software is an industrial partner in the IKS consortium and as such will be an early adopter for the integration of the IKS stack in OpenCms once it is available.

Downstream, hundred-thousands of corporate end users and millions of content consumers are affected by the quality of service provided through these platforms. The majority of these platforms are built under the LAMP stack or frameworks such as .NET and JEE5. All of these frameworks lack the capability for semantic web enabled, intelligent content, and therefore lack the capacity for users to interact with the content at the user's knowledge level!

Interactive Knowledge aims at closing the

  • engineering gap for CMS architectures and therefore the Interactive Knowledge Technology Stack will enable many open source CMS frameworks to become semantically enabled.
  • research gap on user interaction with knowledge objects: the use of semantics to support direct user interaction with knowledge content will be a focus of Interactive Knowledge
  • research gap on empirical validation: we involve a group of six technology providers and further 50 smaller CMS/KMS providers for controlled engineering experiments to ensure quantitative analysis of requirements and of subsequent technology validation for semantically enabled, interactive knowledge and content management systems.
  • impact gap for industrial take-up: starting with Alkacon and five other industrial partners in the consortium, we will recruit 50 more European CMS/KMS providers and activate a dozen relevant open source communities to embrace IKS specifications, and be present in standards bodies (W3C,OASIS, etc).

IKS invites open source community developers to work towards bringing European CMS/KMS providers to the leading edge of innovation in knowledge technologies, for the benefit of all users.

IKS Project homepage

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