JPA driver – extended database support for OpenCms

Track: Technical
Speaker: Georgi Naplatanov (Oles Biz)


This session presents the OpenCms JPA driver which uses the JAVA standard - Java Persistence API (JPA) and with OpenJPA as implementation. Utilizing the structure of the OpenCms internal SQL based drivers, this JPA driver enables the use of OpenCms for a large set of additional databases.

JPA is the target database structure for OpenCms 8, and this driver will probably be the base to be included in this upcoming version of the OpenCms core. For OpenCms 7.5, the driver will be made available as an additional module to be released before the conference.

Currently with the JPA driver the following additional databases are supported:

  • Apache Derby
  • Borland Interbase
  • Borland JDataStore
  • Empress
  • Firebird
  • H2 Database Engine
  • Informix Dynamic Server
  • InterSystems Cache
  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro
  • Pointbase
  • Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise

In addition to the databases listed above, the standard OpenCms internal SQL drivers such as MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, HSQLDB and IBM DB2 are also available as JPA implementations.

Benefits, configuration and implementation of this JPA driver will be described in this session. Moreover, performance tests comparisons with the standard OpenCms internal SQL drivers are presented. Also included is a short description how to develop database independent modules with JPA.

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