OpenCms Days 2011 Conference Program

List of Sessions

The following sessions will be held during OpenCms Days 2011:

Day One Keynote - Presenting OpenCms 8

Track: Opening Keynote
Speaker: Alexander Kandzior (Alkacon Software GmbH)

It has taken a long time but finally OpenCms 8 has been released during this conference. In his conference opening keynote, Alexander presented the highlights of the OpenCms 8 release from the end user perspective. ... Details

Managing data for holiday farms in Sardinia with OpenCms

Track: Showcase
Speaker: Antonio Cordeddu (Coranto Informatica)

AgriturismoIchnos - - is a web site that contains data from around 800 holiday farms of Sardinia (Italy). The data is maintained in a separate database and imported to OpenCms using a generic solution developed for this project. ... Details

How Fujitsu Racing is super-charging its OpenCms performance

Track: Showcase
Speaker: Dammian Miller (Melbourne Business Online)

This session presented the public, open-source (LGPL) release of the OpenCms HighPerf module (7.x.x compatible) and a case study of its impact on performance. ... Details

Creating OpenCms 8 Container Templates (Part 1)

Track: Workshop
Speaker: Tobias Herrmann (Alkacon Software GmbH)

In part 1 of his session, Tobias did introduce the most important new concepts in the OpenCms template system. These concepts are probably the most important advancements in OpenCms 8. ... Details

Creating OpenCms 8 Container Templates (Part 2)

Track: Workshop
Speaker: Tobias Herrmann (Alkacon Software GmbH)

In part 2 Tobias did continue with the new concepts in the OpenCms 8 template system. This session did also get into details about how the new functionalities can be used on templates with the extensions introduced in the taglib and expression language, as well as the available new API. ... Details

OpenCms Hosting Management

Track: Showcase
Speaker: Alejandro Alves (OpenCms Hispano)

Although OpenCms is one of the best CMS tools in the market, OpenCms Hispano has identified two drawbacks: hosting price and the need for user computer literacy in order to develop simple applications. ... Details

Creating Plug & Play Modules for OpenCms 8

Track: Workshop
Speaker: Rüdiger Kurz (Alkacon Software GmbH)

OpenCms, since its first public version, features a module mechanism that allows encapsulating functionalities in separate modules. However, the template mechanism of OpenCms up to version 7.5 left many details to the developer. ... Details

How Software AG built its online communities with OpenCms

Track: Showcase
Speaker: Robert Diawara (Software AG)
  Fabian Huschka (componio GmbH)

This session did cover different themes from online communities built by Software AG with OpenCms: Building up an own theme engine to automatically adapt page structures (components, color coding, etc …). ... Details

The OpenCms 8 Content Subscription Engine

Track: Workshop
Speaker: Georg Westenberger (Alkacon Software GmbH)

OpenCms 8 comes with a new API for content subscription and notification of users. This is a useful feature especially in an Intranet scenario where users want to get notified about updates to important documents. ... Details

D-BUSINESS Shop, a Scalable Online Shop for OpenCms

Track: Day 2 Opening Session
Speaker: Jens Dreger (DREGER Information Technology)
  Ralph Burkhart (DREGER Information Technology)

This session showed how OpenCms can be integrated with commercial software from IBM in a complex web application environment. OpenCms is a flexible product for integration into ERP systems, portals and complex shopping solutions. ... Details

CCI Promotor - A search centric OpenCms portal

Track: Showcase
Speaker: Florian Hopf (Synyx GmbH & Co. KG)

Finding the information they are looking for is crucial for the customers of CCI Promotor, the leading knowledge provider for air conditioning and ventilating technology. ... Details

Creating Mobile Templates with OpenCms 8

Track: Workshop
Speaker: Rüdiger Kurz (Alkacon Software GmbH)

With the growing use of smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices, it becomes increasingly important to offer optimized user experiences for these platforms. ... Details

How a telco successfully migrated to OpenCms

Track: Showcase
Speaker: Selver Softic (Infonova GmbH)

This session did provide an overview over our open source modules for rendering content in OpenCms using Velocity. We are using this approach in our daily business as telco technical consultants. ... Details

Upgrading from OpenCms 7.x to OpenCms 8

Track: Workshop
Speaker: Michael Emmerich (Alkacon Software GmbH)

OpenCms 8 introduces a lot of great new concepts and functionality that content managers certainly don’t want to miss. While OpenCms 8 is fully backward compatible, to make full use of these new features, existing OpenCms sites need to be adapted for the new technology. ... Details

How OpenCms is used in the italian Public Administration

Track: Showcase
Speaker: Antonio Nanni (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa)

Since 2008, the Italian Public Administration, expressed the need to introduce a content management system with a defined set of functional, technical and procedural requirements. ... Details

A Fresh Look on the Alkacon OAMP Modules

Track: Workshop
Speaker: Peter Sreckovic (Alkacon Software GmbH)

The OpenCms Add-On Module Package series (OAMP) are set of free Open Source modules provided by Alkacon Software which are used by many OpenCms installations. We have recently released a few new and upgraded most of the existing OAMP Modules. ... Details

Building a Website for the Number One Children's Hospital in the US

Track: Showcase
Speaker: Rich Cooley (NorthPoint Solutions)

NorthPoint Solutions has worked with the number one Children's Hospital in the US. The goal was to create an enterprise architecture to support all media files. ... Details

How to win Japanese heart with OpenCms

Track: Showcase
Speaker: Yuta Aoki (Ubicast)

Do you know how to configure OpenCms in order to meet demanding Japanese customer's needs? Despite of the high competition in the market with the internationally know popular PHP-based CMS and numerous home-grown CMS in Japan, we have been succeeding in promoting OpenCms and constantly winning ... Details

Implementing OpenCMS for eCommerce sites: South African Airways

Track: Showcase
Speaker: Daniel Rajkumar (Web-Translations)

In his presentation, Daniel Rajkumar did describe the process undertaken to migrate a complex eCommerce site to OpenCms, using the example of South African Airways as a Case Study. ... Details

The OpenCms 8 Demo Template Modules in Detail

Track: Workshop
Speaker: Polina Smagina (Alkacon Software GmbH)

With OpenCms 8 come not one but two sets of demo templates - the simple “Basic Template” (BT) and the more advanced “Template III” (T3) module. These modules are a versatile starting point for building custom websites. ... Details

Conference roundup: Beyond OpenCms 8

Track: Keynote
Speaker: Alexander Kandzior (Alkacon Software GmbH)

A discussion panel with selected OpenCms experts did close the conference. Where are we now and what does the future hold in store for open source in general and OpenCms in particular? ... Details

Latest News

  • Documentation website for the Mercury template

    Jul 8, 2024 - The Mercury template from Alkacon Software is a comprehensive, modular template based on Bootstrap 5 for OpenCms. This feature-rich template now has a complete and exhaustive documentation website.

  • OpenCms 17 available

    Apr 9, 2024 - OpenCms 17 gives content managers the new app "Date search" to find content that has been changed in a certain time range. The "Websites" app allows to easily export the content of a complete site for archiving. An option has been added to hide "sensitive" content in the Offline project. The default Mercury template has been further improved, e.g. with SEO optimized job postings, a "spacer" function and marker clusters for maps. OpenCms 17 has also been tested and certified using Java 17 LTS and 21 LTS.

  • OpenCms 17 Release Notes

    Apr 9, 2024 - The OpenCms 17 release notes contain detailed information about the new features and fixes in this version.

  • Alkacon OCEE 17

    Apr 9, 2024 - Alkacon OCEE 17 is the latest OCEE release for OpenCms 17. This version improves the cluster shutdown behaviour when using the CmsShell.

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