CCI Promotor - A search centric OpenCms portal

Track: Showcase
Speaker: Florian Hopf (Synyx GmbH & Co. KG)


Finding the information they are looking for is crucial for the customers of CCI Promotor, the leading knowledge provider for air conditioning and ventilating technology.

The OpenCms Lucene integration offers full text search support out of the box but lacks more advanced features like faceted search.

This talk did present an Open Source module that makes adding common features a lot easier by integrating Solr, the scalable search server into OpenCms. It offers a wide range of useful features like faceted queries, more-like-this queries, a spell check component and all the glory plain Lucene offers. A web based administration interface is available to monitor and analyze the Solr based indexes.

Solr is integrated transparently using the standard OpenCms search configuration, making it even possible to use Lucene and Solr indexes in parallel.


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