How OpenCms is used in the italian Public Administration

Track: Showcase
Speaker: Antonio Nanni (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa)


Since 2008, the Italian Public Administration, expressed the need to introduce a content management system with a defined set of functional, technical and procedural requirements. Moreover, the CMS should support the development of homogeneous web pages for all ministerial entities, offering both standard and generic features.

Engineering presented a set of possible solutions, highlighting strengths and weaknesses of each, but none of the CMS systems on the market (whether open source or paid) offered full compliance with the constraints imposed out of the box.

Consequently, it was decided to build a custom solution. OpenCms 7 was selected as the base of this development. New custom modules provided, without changing OpenCms core.

This session did present the solution build and provided insights on how OpenCms was extended to meet the special requirements of this demanding project.


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