The OpenCms 8 Demo Template Modules in Detail

Track: Workshop
Speaker: Polina Smagina (Alkacon Software GmbH)


With OpenCms 8 come not one but two sets of demo templates - the simple “Basic Template” (BT) and the more advanced “Template III” (T3) module. These modules are a versatile starting point for building custom websites.

T3 has been developed to be a solid and feature rich foundation for the creation of individual OpenCms websites. BT is limited in functionality and design, but makes a good reference for developers looking at the source code since its structure is rather simple and straightforward.

In her presentation, Polina did show examples of sites that can be built with OpenCms 8 using T3 and explain configuration options and possible extensions of this template.

Polina did go into details of the code structure and VFS layout used for T3, as many “best practices” learned by Alkacon have been used in this template module. It has been shown why T3 is a good starting point for development of custom websites.

Functions of T3 have been compared to BT, to point out areas in which design and functionality requirements can lead to certain development decisions.


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