Thesys co., ltd.

Thesys co., ltd.

Thesys is the leading OpenCms solution provider and Alkacon business partner in Great China and the Pacific. We have a successful track record in providing economical, efficient, fast-paced deployment of user-friendly content management systems using Alkacon's OpenCms systems. We also provides professional consulting services for OpenCms to help customers plan, design, implement and maintain OpenCms in corporate and government environments. We look forward to serving you and helping you achieve greater success for your business.


新安資訊擁有在入口網站 (Portal) 、資訊處理 (知識流)、電子商務流程及網路應用等專案開發,擁有豐富之專案經驗,並持續累積並深化核心技術之功能與成熟度,以及導入之品質,進 而啟動獲得下一個專案之良性循環。目前已擁有OpenCms應用之完整技術,技術具有高度元件化與跨平台之特性,除能依客戶需要快速研發外,並使各項技術在整合時能創造最大之效能。

除擁有高素質專業人才與完整核心技術外,我們並擁有優異之專案管理能力,建構從需求分析、導入規劃、系統客製化、系統導入、系統整合、顧問諮詢、 系統規劃設計與執行之良好完整作業流程,能 有效縮短專案導入時程、降低導入成本,提供符合資訊安全、穩鞏、高效率、友善易操作及低維運成本的應用系統。


Country: China / Taiwan

Latest News

  • Documentation website for the Mercury template

    Jul 8, 2024 - The Mercury template from Alkacon Software is a comprehensive, modular template based on Bootstrap 5 for OpenCms. This feature-rich template now has a complete and exhaustive documentation website.

  • OpenCms 17 available

    Apr 9, 2024 - OpenCms 17 gives content managers the new app "Date search" to find content that has been changed in a certain time range. The "Websites" app allows to easily export the content of a complete site for archiving. An option has been added to hide "sensitive" content in the Offline project. The default Mercury template has been further improved, e.g. with SEO optimized job postings, a "spacer" function and marker clusters for maps. OpenCms 17 has also been tested and certified using Java 17 LTS and 21 LTS.