SHAKEN not STIRRED Consulting GmbH & Co. KG

SHAKEN not STIRRED Consulting GmbH & Co. KG

SHAKEN not STIRRED ist Ihr Partner für OpenCms basierte Kommunikationslösungen wie Corporate Websites, Intra- und Extranet-Anwendungen, sowie Sites für mobile Endgeräte. Unsere Kernkompetenzen sind Beratung, Konzeption, Design und Softwareentwicklung. Zu unseren Kunden zählen u.a. FALKE, Hella, HSH Nordbank und Vodafone.

SHAKEN not STIRRED is your partner for OpenCms based communication solutions such as corporate websites, intra- and extranet-applications, as well as sites for mobile devices. Our core competences are consulting, conception, design and software development.

Country: Germany

Latest News

  • Documentation website for the Mercury template

    Jul 8, 2024 - The Mercury template from Alkacon Software is a comprehensive, modular template based on Bootstrap 5 for OpenCms. This feature-rich template now has a complete and exhaustive documentation website.

  • OpenCms 17 available

    Apr 9, 2024 - OpenCms 17 gives content managers the new app "Date search" to find content that has been changed in a certain time range. The "Websites" app allows to easily export the content of a complete site for archiving. An option has been added to hide "sensitive" content in the Offline project. The default Mercury template has been further improved, e.g. with SEO optimized job postings, a "spacer" function and marker clusters for maps. OpenCms 17 has also been tested and certified using Java 17 LTS and 21 LTS.