Alkacon OpenCms Partners

Alkacon partners have a proven record of successful OpenCms projects and adhere OpenCms implementation best practices. The Alkacon OpenCms Partner Program provides customers a choice of quality OpenCms service providers that are backed up by Alkacon. 

Members of the Alkacon OpenCms Partner Program:

Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts

Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts

Alkacon Software GmbH is the official maintainer and the major contributor to OpenCms.

To our worldwide customers, we offer support agreements, training courses, development services and extension products for OpenCms, providing an optional layer of security and convenience often required for mission critical OpenCms installations.

We often partner with in-house development teams, interactive agencies or business consultants to deliver a full solution to the end customer.

Contact Alkacon

Country: Germany



Altran has become the undisputed world leader in engineering services and R&D (ER&D) following the acquisition of Aricent. The company offers clients a unique value proposition to address their transformation and innovation needs. Altran works alongside its clients, from the initial idea to the industrialisation phase, to devise the products and services of the future. For more than 30 years, the company has shared its experience in the aerospace, automotive, defence, energy, life sciences, railway, financial services, and telecommunications sectors. The acquisition of Aricent extends this leadership to semi-conductors, digital experience and design innovation. Together, Altran and Aricent have generated revenues of €2.900 billion in 2017, and have 45,000 employees in more than 30 countries.

Country: Spain

comundus GmbH

comundus GmbH

comundus hat sich seit seiner Gründung 2001 als Experte für Unternehmensportale erfolgreich etabliert. Mittelständische Unternehmen und öffentliche Einrichtungen vertrauen auf die langfristige 
IT-Erfahrung in der Realisierung ihrer digitalen Arbeitsplätze. Der Fokus von comundus liegt auf Mitarbeiter- und Enterprise Portalen. Diese werden auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden maßgeschneidert.
Ergänzend beraten wir unsere Kunden auf dem Weg zum Mobile Business. Internet Portale runden das Leistungsangebot ab.

Wir begleiten unsere Kunden von der Beratung, Konzeption, Realisierung, Implementierung, Schulung bis zum nachhaltigen Support. Dabei sind uns
gegenseitiges Vertrauen und partnerschaftlicher Umgang wichtig.

Unser  Schwesterunternehmen  comundus regisafe GmbH ergänzen unser Portfolio um führende Software und Dienstleistungen rund um Dokumentenmanagement.
Damit ist unser comundus Team enorm gewachsen.

Country: Deutschland

Coranto Informatica

Coranto Informatica

Coranto is specialized in OpenCms solutions. Our company has been involved in projecting and developing company websites in OpenCms platform since 2005.

Our goal is to give to customers a full support in OpenCms projects: we offer OpenCms services in projecting, development, customization, training and hosting.

Our client can ask us to build a web project from scratch or upgrade an existing website to the latest OpenCms version. We have wide experience in customization of OpenCms modules. We support businesses at start-up phase of projects through the training of technical staff.

At last we offer hosting in OpenCms environment.

Coranto is active in OpenCms community: we were the authors of Italian translation module and we presented our projects at OpenCms Days 2011 and 2013.

Country: Italy

Helios Design

Helios Design

We are a dedicated team of designers, developers and strategic thinkers who are passionate about bringing clients’ ideas to life. Since our founding in 2005, our mission has been to do exceptional work, build great relationships, collaborate with great minds, and keep learning.

Our specialty lies in CMS website development, web app development and app development. We are based in Johannesburg (South Africa) and Berlin (Germany) but serve clients all over the globe.

Country: South Africa



IBA CZ - Your Global IT Solutions Provider

IBA CZ is technological company focused on providing software services with specialization on software development, project management and IT consulting.


We are running in IT since the end of the last century. Three development centers in Prague, Brno and Ostrava give us technical and geographical independence.

We are a part of a multinational alliance, IBA Group, one of the biggest suppliers of information technology in Central and Eastern Europe.

Country: Czech Republic



Inetum is specialised in the provision of technology solutions, business solutions and managed services. We bring innovation to all business sectors and Public Administrations through technology-oriented management and business models.

The customer is our number one focus and so we develop our entire business strategy around satisfying them. Our best reward is the trust that customers place in us. Which reinforces our commitments to innovation, quiality, service, specialisation and warranty. 

Today we have a presence in more than 16 countries in Europe, LATAM and USA.

Country: Spain

mediaworx berlin AG

mediaworx berlin AG

mediaworx berlin AG ist eine unabhängige, inhabergeführte fullservice-Agentur mit 90 Mitarbeitern und Sitz in Berlin. 1996 gegründet, betreuen wir seitdem Großkunden aus den Bereichen Banken und Versicherungen, Tourismus, Industrie und Handel und haben langjährige Erfahrung in der Umsetzung von Multimandantensystemen, Mulitchannelsystemen und Internationalisierung von Unternehmensauftritten.

Unser Leistungsspektrum umfasst dabei alle typischen Aspekte von Relaunch- und Migrationsprojekten bis hin zur Betreuung und Optimierung Ihrer Site:

  • Anforderungsanalyse und Strategiedefinition
  • Gestaltung und Konzeption
  • Responsives Design, UX-Design
  • Content-Strategy, Contentdevelopment und redaktionelle Pflege
  • Systemarchitektur und technisches Design
  • Umsetzung
  • Programmierung von Erweiterungen
  • Kopplung mit Umsystemen und Ansprache verteilter Datenquellen
  • Betriebskonzeption
  • Technischer Support
  • Suchmaschinenoptimierung (Onpage)
  • Conversionoptimierung
  • Performanceoptimierung
Country: Deutschland



PLANET IC ist eine der größten Digitalagenturen mit IT-Systemhaus &
Rechenzentrum in Norddeutschland. Seit über 25 Jahren sind wir im
Internet unterwegs, vertraut mit Märkten, Technologien und Trends.

Wir begleiten zahlreiche namhafte Kunden erfolgreich in der digitalen
Welt. Sie vertrauen auf unsere langjährigen Erfahrungen.

In den vergangenen Jahren haben wir eine Vielzahl an
Digitalisierungsprojekten mit OpenCms erfolgreich durchgeführt. Für den
zeitgemäßen Online-Auftritt bieten wir unseren Kunden spezielle
OpenCms-Pakete an. Mit der OpenCms eGovernment Edition sind wir
spezialisiert auf den öffentlichen Sektor. Wir haben verschiedene
Fachverfahren, z. B. die zertifizierte TSA-/XZuFi-Schnittstelle darin

Neben Konzeption, Beratung, Layout und Betrieb runden SEM/SEO-Leistungen
unser umfangreiches OpenCms-Angebot ab.

Die OpenCms-Websites und Portale werden im firmeneigenen, ISO 27001
zertifizierten Rechenzentrum gehostet.

Country: Germany



SAGA owns a comprehensive experience in programming of online portals based on OpenCms technology. Since 2006 we decided OpenCms to be the base solution for the major part our Web Projects.

SAGA SOLUCIONES is 100% focus on OpenCms technology. We have a team of senior consultants, specialized in JAVA, OpenCms and integration technologies that guarantee in success of any project.

SAGA provides a range of OpenCms development and professional services in consultancy, technical architecture, project management, software development, branding, hosting and UI design. This includes consulting and training of our customers, technical outstanding solutions, an user centered design approach and the focus on usable and accessible products that fulfil the needs of our customers and the end-users.

Country: Spain

Thesys co., ltd.

Thesys co., ltd.

Thesys is the leading OpenCms solution provider and Alkacon business partner in Great China and the Pacific. We have a successful track record in providing economical, efficient, fast-paced deployment of user-friendly content management systems using Alkacon's OpenCms systems. We also provides professional consulting services for OpenCms to help customers plan, design, implement and maintain OpenCms in corporate and government environments. We look forward to serving you and helping you achieve greater success for your business.


新安資訊擁有在入口網站 (Portal) 、資訊處理 (知識流)、電子商務流程及網路應用等專案開發,擁有豐富之專案經驗,並持續累積並深化核心技術之功能與成熟度,以及導入之品質,進 而啟動獲得下一個專案之良性循環。目前已擁有OpenCms應用之完整技術,技術具有高度元件化與跨平台之特性,除能依客戶需要快速研發外,並使各項技術在整合時能創造最大之效能。

除擁有高素質專業人才與完整核心技術外,我們並擁有優異之專案管理能力,建構從需求分析、導入規劃、系統客製化、系統導入、系統整合、顧問諮詢、 系統規劃設計與執行之良好完整作業流程,能 有效縮短專案導入時程、降低導入成本,提供符合資訊安全、穩鞏、高效率、友善易操作及低維運成本的應用系統。


Country: China / Taiwan

VASS Consultoría de Sistemas

VASS Consultoría de Sistemas

VASS is an IT consulting firm founded in 1999 with a high specialization in new technologies and a high complexity products and services integrator. With a clear commitment to international expansion, VASS has a presence in several countries in Europe and America.

Since its origin VASS has accompanied its customers by adding real value in their innovation processes, always from high specialization and technological differentiation, but in the same time with a focus on proximity, flexibility and simplicity.

Country: Spain



Yamme is a professional software house for private sector and public administration clients. It's a spin-off from teamQUALITY, the long-time Alkacon OpenCms partner, specialized in websites, web applications and app development.

OpenCms is our CMS of choice for all medium-big sized web projects. Since 2004, we have developed and customized deployments for several different customers.

In 2014 we launched the  OpenCms Italia website to popularize OpenCms usage in Italy, gathering information and relevant use cases.

Country: Italy

3m5. IT Business Services

3m5. IT Business Services

Since 1997 3m5. offers as one of the leading IT and web service partner in Germany well-engineered and attractively designed solutions.

For our clients we are both, internet and software developer as well as a partner. Let our know-how be your advantage!

Brand management and creation of mission critical software products is the main potential of 3m5. By now more than 50 companies out of all business sectors such as automotive engineering, media, engine construction, mobile communications, pharmacy and trading benefit from this.

3m5. owns a comprehensive experience in programming of online portals based on OpenCms technology. Since 2006 we decided OpenCms to be solution for the major part of CMS projects. Since our requirements concerning robustness are extremely high, we only had positive experience with this Alkacon product.

For this reason we manage one of our major OpenCms reference in OpenCms: The worldwide web projects of GARDENA Deutschland GmbH, Ulm.

Furthermore we actively get involved in the OpenCms Developer Community and represented our agency with an own stand on the OpenCms Days 2008 and 2009 as platin sponsor.

Country: Germany

Latest News

  • OpenCms 18 available

    Oct 8, 2024 - OpenCms 18 adds a new "Place element" mode in the page editor that allows precise element placement as an alternative to drag & drop. Reused content is now clearly marked. Automatic typographical correction of quotation marks has been added to all of the editors. “Dead links” in content that is entered in a WYSIWYG editor are now automatically disabled. Our Mercury template includes several new features, such as setting different image formats for mobile and desktop and many more.

  • OpenCms 18 Release Notes

    Oct 8, 2024 - The OpenCms 18 release notes contain detailed information about the new features and fixes in this version.

  • Alkacon OCEE 18

    Oct 8, 2024 - Alkacon OCEE 18 is the latest OCEE release for OpenCms 18. This version features a license key mechanism that allows to share the license key on several servers in a cloud installation.

  • Documentation website for the Mercury template

    Jul 8, 2024 - The Mercury template from Alkacon Software is a comprehensive, modular template based on Bootstrap 5 for OpenCms. This feature-rich template now has a complete and exhaustive documentation website.